Earthtone Custom Woman Blouses For Women

Women's Blouses

Women’s custom blouses look simple yet chic alone, or even pair perfectly with a blazer or jacket. A blouse that won’t be tugged and pulled on because it is made to fit exactly like it should.

A variety of colors allows this custom garment to become a staple piece in your closet for any outfit..

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If we're a good fit, our clothier will meet with you in your home or office at your conveinience.

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"Jay - it occurred to me when I placed my order today that I ordered my first suit from you to wear to my oldest son's Christening. That son is now nearly as tall as me and wears a size 12 shoe....believe it or not I am still wearing that suit - the shirts I bought with it are starting to show signs of wear - but after 12 years that seems like a really good value to me. Thanks for everything - I look forward to receiving my new order."

Custom Clothier Jay Lawler

Jay Lawler

Tom James of Memphis

"Tom James Company and Bob Runfola have been my personal tailors since 1991. The quality of their products is outstanding. Bob's personal service goes above and beyond my expectations."

Custom Clothier Bob Runfola

Bob Runfola

Tom James of Raleigh
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