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Learn more about our product & services from a world-class clothier and see if a professional wardrobe service fits your lifestyle.

If we're a good fit, our clothier will meet with you in your home or office at your conveinience.

We use your zip code to align you with the nearest Tom James Clothier. We use your email and phone number to contact you and schedule your wardrobe consultation. See our Privacy Policy for details.


"Sarina is very personable and easy to work with. She offers in-depth knowledge of, and a favorable eye for, coordinating all forms of men's clothing; both professional and business casual. I appreciate her honesty and ability to work with me and stay within my budget. I would recommend her to any person who is searching for high quality, personally fitted clothing."

Custom Clothier Sarina Brion

Sarina Brion

Tom James of Madison

"Katie was introduced to me by a colleague who understood my hectic schedule. Our meetings always occurred at a time and place of my convenience. She was quickly able to provide wardrobe advice that met my personal tastes, yet projected professionalism with style. She is a positive, highly proficient businesswoman who has provided outstanding customer service and products. I am pleased to recommend her."

Custom Clothier Katie Harris

Katie Harris

Tom James of Columbus
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