Style: 708912

Currently Unavailable for Purchase

Shadow Grey


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"It's all about convenience and attention to quality. My Tom James salesman knows my style and what works for me and makes the experience easy. The quality is superb!"

Custom Clothier Darrell Pavelka

Darrell Pavelka

Tom James of Minneapolis

"I have dealt with Jim for about 12 years now and I am still wearing suits that I bought from him in 2003. I started with them in 2000 after spending a bunch of money on a few cheap suits. I learned there is a huge difference in clothing quality. I think you will be happy with Jim if you decide to buy something. The prices are a bit steep at first but if you average it out over time you come WAAAY ahead with quality clothing. Jim has a cool way of setting up your wardrobe to keep you in style and out of the poorhouse!!"

Custom Clothier Jim Poston

Jim Poston

Tom James of Greenville
Tom James Company Logo

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