Purple Custom Dress Shirts For Men

Custom Shirts Made To Your Measurements

Tom James Company is the world's largest maker and retailer of custom shirts. Our company-owned shops tailor the finest dress shirts in the world. Our shirts are crafted by artisans, who are highly skilled in the craft of shirt making.

In fact, we have many "Master Shirt Makers" in our shops, who are constantly refining our dress shirts to be the best anywhere. Our shirt fabrics are sourced from the most famous mills in the world And include the finest cottons, linens And other materials.

These fabrics, along with meticulous attention to detail, make our shirts the best in the industry. In the last few years, custom shirts have become so popular that we have had to increase the size of our shop significantly. And with a selection of hundreds of shirtings, we know we have the perfect shirt for you.

Get Started Today!

Learn more about our product & services from a world-class clothier and see if a professional wardrobe service fits your lifestyle.

If we're a good fit, our clothier will meet with you in your home or office at your conveinience.

We use your zip code to align you with the nearest Tom James Clothier. We use your email and phone number to contact you and schedule your wardrobe consultation. See our Privacy Policy for details.


"There is no substitute for quality. Randy brings the ultimate quality with exceptional service and a fantastic Tom James product. Thank you for all your assistance."

Custom Clothier Randy Womack

Randy Womack

Tom James of Roanoke

"Kim Keller has been providing excellent advice and recommendations regarding my professional and casual wardrobes since 1996. During that time, she provided me with a number of compliments for the clothes I wore. She came up with the ideas for how to coordinate my suits with shirts and ties - the results were quite wonderful. I knew that no matter if I was in the courtroom or the boardroom, my suits, shirts and ties would always help make a positive statement. Kim just seems to always know what works and what does not work...She was and is someone you can trust to help you make the right decisions."

Custom Clothier Kim Keller

Kim Keller

Tom James of Dallas
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