Ready-To-Wear & Accessories

Ivory Faille Suit

Ivory Faille Suit

Custom Suit
Custom Shirt
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Ivory Faille Suit
Ivory Faille Suit
Ivory Faille Suit
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"I would recommend Dave to anyone looking for the right Haberdasher for life. Dressing for success in the business world is and will always be part of the equation. He is well connected, knows the business, and knows how to deliver the type of service few understand. He is all about how quality makes the difference in your life."

Custom Clothier Dave Shepard

Dave Shepard

Tom James of Memphis

"Tom James, and my personal clothier, Sarah Bentley, provide an invaluable service with quality clothing - I appreciate that Sarah comes to me and proposes outfits to me. I am very busy and find that dressing professionally and stylishly is immensely simpler with the help of Sarah. Furthermore, I really like that Tom James has been evolving to incorporate more feminine styles which makes shopping with them even more of an attractive option!"

Custom Clothier Sarah Bentley

Sarah Bentley

Tom James of Richmond
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