Learn more about our product & services from a world-class clothier and see if a professional wardrobe service fits your lifestyle.
If we're a good fit, our clothier will meet with you in your home or office at your conveinience.
We use your zip code to align you with the nearest Tom James Clothier. We use your email and phone number to contact you and schedule your wardrobe consultation. See our Privacy Policy for details.
"Daniel goes the extra mile to ensure that his clients are happy and pleased with their purchases."
Dean MarinakisAttorney, Chicago
"Without a doubt, the Tom James wardrobe that you provided for me over the years greatly contributed to my self-confidence and success. I always felt good when I dressed in my custom fitted clothes. Your service and attention to detail was outstanding and I appreciate it more than you will ever know."
Willy HoganMeybohm Commercial Real Estate
If you are wondering if our service is a good fit, our clothiers would be happy to talk with you and evaluate your current and future wardrobe needs. We serve busy, successful professionals by meeting them in their homes or offices, on the go, or wherever is convenient.
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