Ready-To-Wear & Accessories

Corporate Image Tan Plaid Custom Men

Corporate Image Tan Plaid Custom Men's Dress Shirt

Custom Shirt
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If we're a good fit, our clothier will meet with you in your home or office at your conveinience.

We use your zip code to align you with the nearest Tom James Clothier. We use your email and phone number to contact you and schedule your wardrobe consultation. See our Privacy Policy for details.


"Working with Sarina has been amazing. The clothes are great and so is the convenience, but Sarina's insight and her knowledge of the products make the experience. Working with her is easy and stress free and brings fun back into shopping for clothes. I highly recommend her."

Custom Clothier Sarina Brion

Sarina Brion

Tom James of Madison

"My Tom James's custom made suits are some of the best investments I have made in my career lately. The suits are a perfect fit and I always receive many compliments on their style and good taste. I feel very comfortable in my Tom James suit which has many extra features that you will not find in an 'off the rake' suite. I am extremely satisfied in my Tom James suits and they have exceeded my expectations. My wardrobe is greatly enhanced because of Tom James. David Wiebracht, my personal Tom James representative, could be a tailor at any fine men's clothier and he pays attention to every detail. The convenience of shopping in my office, the education of what a fine wardrobe should be and value received are some of many reasons I will remain a Tom James customer. I would give Daniel Wiebracht and Tom James my highest recommendation."

Custom Clothier Daniel Wiebracht

Daniel Wiebracht

Tom James of East Texas
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